Monday, April 20, 2009

Copyright issues - problems & solutions

When I design stuff at work, I always had to rely on the limited photo choices I had, and since they don't want to spend money on stock photos (even if it is only a few bucks apiece) I had struggled to find quality images to work with. I had heard of creative commons before and totally forgot about it! There are so many CC licensed work out there for both commercial and non-commercial use, which is great!

Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit group created to give free licenses to anyone who wants to share their work, maybe completely free or some restrictions. Unlike copyright items, other people can use and create something new. If it weren't for CC, many creatives would have limited resources.

One of the founders of CC is Larry Lessig. Lessig is a law professor at Stanford who focuses on copyright laws. He gave a speech on the issue at TED. The speech was about finding a balance between copyright and free-use work for the public. Although he didn't (couldn't) mention CC in his speech, it did make me curious to see his solution—CC—and I think it is great.

As of March 21, 2009, more than 100 million flickr images are CC licensed. Pretty amazing. Now, we can have more and higher quality image choices for our work, school or commerical work, without having to worry about the copyright issues like we used to.

Check out their site for more info! And start licensing your work with them.

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